蘇軾是北宋大文學家、書畫家,自幼即有「治國平天下」的經世抱負,歐陽修要「放他出一頭地」,宋仁宗、神宗賞識為宰相奇才。然而本身具有剛正疾惡、不受羈絆、善譏刺,好戲謔、不合時宜的個性,又時蒙黨爭激烈,讓見微知著的親友為他的言行感到不安,紛紛提出諍言戒行。 知見仕宦生涯中向蘇軾提出勸諫的親人有妻子王弗、弟蘇轍、中表兄弟文與可;長輩有張方平、章傳道、文彥博;友人或同僚有醇之、李邦直、章惇、畢仲游、劉士彥、劉安世、范純夫、晁端彥、陳師道、郭祥正等人。他們勸諫的內容有:慎於行事及擇交、勿以時事為譏誚、離是非以遠禍、稍 Su Shi was a great writer and artist of Sung Dynasty. He had the will to govern the country since his youth. The emperors of Sung regarded him as a talented person of prime minister. But to the end, his official career was not smooth. The main reason was