本創作為針對居家修繕及室內裝潢等相關從業人員於操作桌上型圓盤鋸機的安全性改善裝置,透過加裝於桌上型圓盤鋸台後可進行水平以及垂直的調整,保護罩以透明可擺動式葉片設計,增加裁切作業時之遮罩面積,並加上無線感測技術方式達到操作人員手部進入裁切危險區域時,能使機具自動執行斷電停止,本創作設計之保護罩裝置針對作業人員之安全性有以下優點: 1. 提供材料裁切時最大的裁切保護面積。 2. 可預防裁切時所產生的粉塵散出而影響操作人員。 3. 可主動地預防操作人員手部進入危險裁切區域。 4. 方便攜帶與安裝,並可裝設於不同寬度、高度之桌上型圓盤鋸設備。 5. 無線感測技術功能能達到危險即時斷電。 透過上述本創作之桌上型之圓盤鋸機保護裝置,能增加操作人員的保護以及安全性。 The invention provides a safety improvement protective device for workers of interior decoration when use the circular table saw. The protective device can be added-on exsiting circular table saws, which can be adjusted to horizontal and vertical position to cover the circular saws. The protective device cover is composed of trainsparant plactic material and swinable leaves, that increses the covering area while cutting materials. An extended application of the invention is to add the wirless sensor to detect the alarm area. As a result,, when the worker’s hands move in into the alarm area, the system will switch off automatically. The innovative device archives several advantages including the follows: 1. Provide maximum cutting protection area. 2. Prevent the dust emitted while cutting materials. 3. Proactively prevent the work’s hands moving into the alarm area. 4. It is convenient to carry and install, and adjustable to the various dimensions of different types of circular table saws. 5. The wireless sensor can switch off the power as danger happens. With such a device, the safety of worker will be improved significantly.