銀髮族面對健康休閒養生概念的興起,藉由陰陽五行生息應用概念與運動肢體藉由動靜伸展拍跳方法,本研究探討「中高齡銀髮族養生之易經五行健康操接受程度研究」,從易經生息變化形成八八六十四卦陰陽循環交融概念,將「山」、「醫」、「命」、「卜」及「相」五術生剋原理,就人之一生其最基本的生老病死密切相關的預防養生學問,融合中華儒釋道文化天人合一的思想,將五行之「金、木、水、火、土」結合健康操對應心、肝、脾、肺、腎與中醫預防科學管理概念,藉由春、夏、秋、冬四時節令形成生、旺、休、囚變化,其養生休息與運動招式套路所組合五行健康操共十八式,簡單易學不受時間、區域、場所影響,非常適合中高齡來運動,本運動型態分析研究是針對晨間運動之中老年人,其健康操之動作來進行運動型態分析。以質性研究法並深入訪談法五十位受訪者的運動情形中,以基本全身暖身運動向度進行運動角度分析,包括前舉、後舉、外舉、內舉、水平彎曲、內轉與外轉、膝關節、腳踝、拉經,拍打全身健康運動之向度分析,研究主要目的為建議銀髮族應用運動休閒養生,減少吃藥與打針之預防老化之養生目的,協助中老年人能夠身體健康、青春永駐、美麗窈條、生命有活力為主旨。 As the elderly are faced with increasing health issues, they attempt to make their body stronger by exercising every morning and evening. They follow the "Five elementary health exercise" program. It is in accordance to Ying (negative) and Young (positive). This is considered preventive medicine and is intended to strengthen the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidneys and in general, the entire body. It is combined with Chinese Confucianism and Taoism in Yi-Cheng scientific life cycle. It considers birth, age, illness and incorporates very simple and basic exercises according to the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It has eighteen steps. Among them are stretching arms, clapping hands, bending knees, shaking hands, moving to the left and right and moving the entire body. This research is based on in-depth interviews with fifty people and their responses since doing the exercises. They reported that it improved their general health and also their soul and spirit. They said they required less medicine and fewer doctor visits. The purpose of the research is to assist the elderly in improving their health, feeling younger and living a more energetic life.