隨著休閒與健康養生概念興起,百姓對生活安定品質日感需求。台灣特有島嶼優質自然環境資源正考驗執政者規劃應用能力,其中人才規劃深受民眾期待。對於區域整合造成之經濟危機及突破財政收入困境為民眾謀求優質生活環境福利,皆考驗著地方首長物才選擇。本研究應用中華文化特有易經生息分類模式以中文正體姓名分類系統,探討清代武舉人考試上榜者之姓名格局類型,結果顯示,E、A、C、D姓名格局類型比較受選任者信賴,其中C1、A1、F3、D1、H5、B1、F1、B3、C2、E1較多比率成為武舉人。藉由中華民族特有的易經陰陽五行生息概念與現代姓名分類方法,將人力資源做管理模式應用。希望能為運動休閒養生管理,尋找更適合的人才及應用於東方式人才管理。 Studies on the quality of health and leisure activities and the stability of life, shows that Formosa (Taiwan) has the best natural environment. This is challenging for the leaders. especially in the area of human resource management due to the current financial and economic crisis. The leaders question how much people will trust them to break through this plight, to improve the quality of life for the people. The research is based on Yi-Cheng science name classification and explores the Qing Dynasty people prioe to the government imperial candidate examinations. The result of the research showed that in E-A-C-D most of the people trust them, especially in C1 - A1 - F3 - D1 - H5 - B1 - F1 - B3 - C2 and E1. The highest percent showed confidence in the imperial candidate. According to the YI-Cheng science name classification in five elements of Chinese culture regarding human resources management and recreational sports management, it is being used to their advantage and expects that they may find the top managers in Eastern Asia.